China Expo, Hall No. 3, Both No. F030, Date : 6th - 9th May.

Size (mm) L (mm) gms (Approx.)
6 100 18
7 110 22
8 120 26
9 130 30
10 140 42
11 150 52
12 160 60
13 170 72
14 180 86
15 190 92
16 200 109
17 210 132
18 220 152
19 230 160
20 240 182
21 250 192
22 260 210
23 270 250
24 280 260
25 290 300
26 300 320
27 310 390
28 320 435
29 330 435
30 340 460
32 360 560
Products Range
Owing to the strong business ethic and client centric approach, we have gained utmost client satisfaction. We have acquired a leading position in the worldwide markets, owing to the following attributes:

Owing to the strong business ethic and client centric approach, we have gained utmost client satisfaction. We have acquired a leading position in the worldwide markets, owing to the following attributes: